Seven-Eleven Japan is moving forward with a plan to rapidly expand stores offering freshly baked bread. The goal is to open approximately 3000 stores, five times the current number, by February 2025. This initiative aims to attract a younger customer base and increase...
“THE PROTEIN SABA water boil” from Nobuta Canning (Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture) As part of the local revitalization “Choshi Dream Market Project,” it collaborated with Choshi Commercial High School and Takeuchi Pharmaceutical (Shinagawa-ku,...
There is a growing variety of “upcycled” foods that turn waste generated during food processing into valuable products. The company’s approach has attracted sympathy and led to the creation of fans. Sakaeya Bakery (Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture),...
Kellogg’s Japan is proposing a new way of consuming oatmeal to expand its market in Japan. From the “Oatmeal Rice” series, which can be eaten like rice, they will release “Soy Protein Oatmeal Rice” on February 12th, which allows you to...
Introducing Japan Kellogg’s Whole Granola Series with the highest reduction of 70% in fat content. The new product is available starting from Monday, March 25th. Supervised by the Head Chef of Hotel New Otani, we’ve achieved a 70% reduction in fat content...
Morinaga Milk will launch nationwide from Tuesday, April 2nd, “PURESU Fermented Vinegar Drink Pomegranate Flavor” and “PURESU Fermented Vinegar Drink Muscat Flavor,” the first in Japan as functional labeled foods that are described on the...