Targeting the Tech-Savvy 30s and 40s, these eye-friendly eggs contain approximately three times more lutein, a nutrient known as lutein, than regular eggs. In a market where price competition and added value options such as vitamin C fortification and cage-free eggs...
Seasoned seaweed snack “Nori Kakeru-kun Premium Houjun Yuzu Shio” from Kozen Honten Company (TOkyo). A single sheet of domestic dried seaweed is crushed and seasoned. The yuzu from Kochi Prefecture is used to create a yuzu salt flavor with a fresh aroma....
77% Reduction in Paper Area Achieved with 6-Pack of 350ml Cans Asahi Group is working on lightweighting paper materials used for 6-can packs of its main brand, such as “Asahi Super Dry.” In October 2021, they conducted a test sale of “Asahi Super Dry...
The food trend of rice and rice ball in Japan is leaning towards petit luxury The Rising Trend of Premium Onigiri in Japan: A Glimpse into High-Quality Rice and Innovative Ingredients – A Key to Success Amidst Declining Rice Consumption, Targeting the Younger...
FamilyMart Releases Sushi Rolls Using ‘Vegeat®,’ Made from Non-Standard Vegetables FamilyMart, headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, and led by President and CEO Kensuke Hosomi, will launch two sushi rolls using “Vegeat®,” made from...