FamilyMart is striving to become the leading brand associated with convenience store sweets, aiming for the title of “the sweets destination.” This year, they strengthened their sweets category, expanding beyond chilled desserts to include a wide range of...
Don Quijote (Tokyo) has begun selling 34 items, including outdoor goods with cosmetic-like colors, from its new brand “KiRAKiRA AMUSE,” which was jointly developed with Korea’s leading vegan and wellness beauty brand “AMUSE,” at 134 Don...
The chewy texture of Japanese sweets MOCHI is gaining attention overseas, and the texture of kuzukiri is likely to become a new innovative product in the market. A new sensation in ice cream made with kudzu starch and eaten “semi-thawed” is generating...
The growth of “24 Sweets Shop,” an unmanned sweets specialty store, is unstoppable. In just a year and a half since its opening, it has expanded to over 90 locations. They have developed a business model that allows for the sale of popular sweets from...