Assortment of Fresh and frozen food is comparable to supermarkets. Behind this new format launch, there are the increasing trends of ‘cooking retirement’ and the ‘time-saving/effortless for cooking ‘ generation of dual-income households.”...
FamilyMart Releases Sushi Rolls Using ‘Vegeat®,’ Made from Non-Standard Vegetables FamilyMart, headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, and led by President and CEO Kensuke Hosomi, will launch two sushi rolls using “Vegeat®,” made from...
AEON’s Vision for the Future: Exploring Integration of Tsuruha and Welcia to Create a 2 Trillion Yen Powerhouse in the Drugstore Industry Aeon is reportedly considering the integration of Tsuruha Holdings and Welcia Holdings, potentially giving rise to a 2...
After Valentine’s Day Chocolate Event Kuradashi, an online shopping site that operates by selling discounted food items nearing their expiration date, has initiated an event utilizing Valentine’s Day chocolates starting from the 15th. In a temporary store...