Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Ryuichi Isaka) announced the launch of the second installment in its “Seven Premium Gummy Maru” series under the group’s private brand, “Seven Premium.” The new...
Nestlé Japan Launches “Nescafé Gold Blend Caffeine Half” with 50% Less Caffeine Nestlé Japan Ltd. (Headquarters: Kobe, Hyogo; President and CEO: Tatsuhiko Fukaya) announced the release of “Nescafé Gold Blend Caffeine Half,” a regular soluble...
Seiyu Co., Ltd. (Musashino City, Tokyo, President Tsuneo Okubo) will begin selling the Taiwanese rice “Musubi no Sato 5kg” at 138 Seiyu stores in the Kanto region starting Thursday, November 14. Additionally, the “Shoku no Sachi” food brand,...
[Press Release] Announcement date: August 1, 2024 <Lactic acid bacteria are also derived from plants! The “Soy Milk Yogurt” series has seen an increase in shipments for 13 consecutive years> “Soy milk yogurt made with domestic soybeans” A...
Suntory Limited will launch “Horoyoi (Netflix Cola Sour)” nationwide for a limited time from Tuesday, November 5th. The Horoyoi brand is a long-selling brand that has been supported by customers of all ages since its launch in 2009 as a drink with a mild...