7-Eleven Japan has introduced freshly brewed tea as part of its “Seven Cafe” product line, marking a significant step in its efforts to diversify its offerings and attract a broader customer base. This initiative builds on the success of its freshly brewed...
The Japan Dairy Association (JDA) launched the “Discover Yogurt for My Lifestyle” campaign on January 15, aiming to promote yogurt consumption and support the development of healthy habits in Japan’s super-aging society. The initiative seeks to...
Ancient Maya-Inspired Chocolate: Tunmel – The Fusion of Tradition and Modern Craftsmanship. Ezaki Glico has introduced a new chocolate brand, “Tunmel”, crafted with only cacao nibs and minimal sugar to deliver a simple yet premium chocolate experience....
Lotte’s Premium Ghana: Chocolate Shop Quality Aimed at Self-Reward Indulgence Lotte has collaborated with Pierre Hermé to release three products under its “Premium Ghana” brand: “Truffle <Ispahan>”, “Fruit Chocolate...
Source: Cook Pad Food Trend Forecast 2025 What is CookPad? Cookpad Co., Ltd. has announced “Food Trend Predictions 2025” based on data from Japan’s largest recipe service, “Cookpad.” The data includes search keywords, access trends, monthly page views of approximately...