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Find the latest insights, innovations, and trends. From various news sources, we pick and summarize the most important insights, innovations, trends, and news from hundreds of reports each week in Japan.



Nagatanien’s Convenient Ochazuke(Rice with tea) Innovation

Nagatanien’s Convenient Ochazuke(Rice with tea) Innovation

Nagatanien will launch its first freeze-dried (FD) 'Ochazuke Nori in a Cup' and 'Salmon Chazuke' on 9 September. The new products are  easy to prepare by simply pouring hot water into a cup, and the taste of rice enhanced by a new manufacturing method will be communicated through commercials and...

Don Quijote collaborates with Korean cosmetics brand “AMUSE” for the first time, offering pop outdoor goods nationwide

Don Quijote collaborates with Korean cosmetics brand “AMUSE” for the first time, offering pop outdoor goods nationwide

Don Quijote (Tokyo) has begun selling 34 items, including outdoor goods with cosmetic-like colors, from its new brand "KiRAKiRA AMUSE," which was jointly developed with Korea's leading vegan and wellness beauty brand "AMUSE," at 134 Don Quijote-affiliated stores nationwide from June 28th.  In...

Nissin Foods ”Frozen Perfect Meshi DELI” now offers a new generation of “Onigiri” (rice balls), a breakfast in a minute and a half of microwaving.

Nissin Foods ”Frozen Perfect Meshi DELI” now offers a new generation of “Onigiri” (rice balls), a breakfast in a minute and a half of microwaving.

The dawn of a new era in food is here with the launch of innovative "Onigiri" by Nissin Foods, part of the "Frozen Perfect Meal DELI" series. Starting at 11 a.m. on the 18th, six new onigiri products will be available on the company's group online store. The main target audience is working women...