“Hōbaru Kajitsu Tsubu Tappuri Zeitaku Mikan” by Pokka Sapporo is gaining traction in Asian markets for its rich mandarin pulp and 40% mixed fruit juice content.
Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage’s canned drink, “Hōbaru Kajitsu Tsubu Tappuri Zeitaku Mikan” (400g), is gaining popularity in neighboring Asian countries as a “Japanese-made product packed with fruit pulp.” The drink contains the juice and pulp of two mandarins, making up 40% of mixed fruit juice, and has evolved since its launch in 2004 under the name “Tsubu Tappuri Unshū Mikan.”
The product’s unique selling point lies in its proprietary technology that incorporates a generous amount of resilient mandarin pulp (referred to as sanou), enhancing its distinct chunky texture. The flavor emphasizes a balance of sweetness and acidity for a refreshing taste. In September, the packaging was revamped with a black background to highlight the luxurious appeal, featuring a larger “Tsubu” (pulp) label and emphasizing “juice from two mandarins.”
The target demographic is men and women in their 30s and 40s, appealing to their health-conscious and self-reward needs. Additionally, women aged 30–50 with children are anticipated as proxy buyers. Domestically, the drink is positioned as a convenient alternative to fresh fruit or orange juice amid rising prices and supply shortages, catering to increasing demand for time-saving and easy-to-consume products.
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