Creamy Butter Chicken Curry made with Domestic Chicken Wings
¥399 (excluding tax) ¥430.92 (including tax)
(Photo) Seiyu news release

Spicy European-Style Curry made with Cubed Beef

¥399 (excluding tax) ¥430.92 (including tax)

Spicy Pepper Fried Curry with Green Chili Peppers and Coarsely Ground Black Pepper ¥359 (excluding tax) ¥387.72 (including tax)

Starting October 3rd, Seiyu (Tokyo) will be adding and beginning sales of a new series in the high 300 to 400 yen price range to its lineup to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the launch of its instant curry, the face of its private brand “Minna no Osumektsuki” and which has an annual sales record of 6 million meals.

 The three new items being released this time are made with luxurious ingredients and a trendy spice flavor. Thanks to the new price range, the large ingredients and spices used give the product a deep flavor, while also providing great value for money.

 In consumer tests to determine whether a “Minna no Osimakit” product should be released, over 90% of respondents rated the taste, price, and quantity as “very good” or “good,” far exceeding the brand’s acceptance rate of 80%, leading to the product’s release.

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