September 1st marks “Disaster Prevention Day” in Japan, a day dedicated to raising awareness and promoting preparedness for natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons. In recent years, the importance of disaster preparedness has become increasingly recognized, not just by individuals but also by businesses, particularly retailers. Among the leaders in this movement is AEON, one of Japan’s largest retail groups, which has implemented innovative strategies like the “Rolling Stock” approach through its private brand (PB) products.

The Concept of Rolling Stock

“Rolling Stock” is a disaster preparedness strategy where consumers are encouraged to maintain a rotating supply of essential goods. The idea is simple yet effective: by regularly using and replacing items like canned foods, bottled water, and other non-perishable goods, households can ensure they have a fresh supply of necessities at all times. This method minimizes waste and guarantees that families are always prepared in case of an emergency.

AEON’s Rolling Stock Initiative

AEON has taken the concept of rolling stock to the next level by incorporating it into their private brand (PB) products. These products are designed to be both everyday items and part of an emergency preparedness kit. AEON promotes these items with special packaging and shelf placements, making them easily identifiable as part of a rolling stock strategy. Products such as bottled water, instant noodles, canned vegetables, and ready-to-eat meals are highlighted, encouraging customers to incorporate them into their daily consumption while maintaining a stockpile for emergencies.

How AEON Educates Customers

AEON’s commitment to disaster preparedness goes beyond just product placement. The retailer has launched educational campaigns, both in-store and online, to inform customers about the importance of rolling stock. These initiatives include demonstrations on how to properly rotate stock, tips on essential items to include in a disaster kit, and advice on how to store these items efficiently. Additionally, AEON holds annual disaster preparedness fairs, where they showcase their rolling stock PB products and provide interactive experiences to help customers better understand the concept.

Why Rolling Stock is Relevant for Overseas Retailers

The rolling stock strategy is not only relevant for Japan, a country prone to natural disasters, but it is also an adaptable concept for retailers worldwide. As climate change continues to increase the frequency and severity of natural disasters globally, the need for preparedness becomes universal. Retailers in other countries can learn from AEON’s approach, incorporating rolling stock strategies into their own operations to better serve their customers during emergencies.


Source:Picture from AEON Rolling Stock website 

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