On April 4, 2024, Kagome announced its intention to introduce the renowned U.S. almond milk brand “Almond Breeze” to the Japanese market, commencing sales from September. Partnering with Blue Diamond Growers, Kagome secured a licensing agreement for the...
Sakaeya Bakery, located in Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture, which produces bread for school lunches, opened the Better life with upcycle craft beer brewery on February 5, 2024. The brewery, operated by the parent company, utilizes bread crusts that have been trimmed...
Meiji has launched a new line of chocolates specifically targeting the souvenir market in Japan. This marks the first time the company has tailored a chocolate brand specifically for this purpose. The chocolates have been revamped from existing brands to include...
“Imoya Kinjiro, which manufactures and sells various sweet potato snacks such as imo-kenpi (sweet potato chips) and sweet potatoes, started selling ‘Imoya’s Mixed Grains Rice’ from April 1, 2024. It uses ‘Kogane-senkan,’ a sweet...
“SMILEAT Organic Fruit Snacks” by T-Rex (Osaka, Japan) 100% organic fruit. The product was heated at a low temperature for a long time and slowly hardened to create a gummy candy-like texture. The nutrition and sweetness of the fruit as it is, without...