After Valentine’s Day Chocolate Event Kuradashi, an online shopping site that operates by selling discounted food items nearing their expiration date, has initiated an event utilizing Valentine’s Day chocolates starting from the 15th. In a temporary store...
AEON National Brand Discount Initiative: Savings on Daily Necessities and Frozen Foods from Feb 20-29 Aeon Group Announces Nationwide Discounts on Popular Brands for Daily Necessities and Frozen Foods from Feb 20-29 to support customers. The Aeon Group will be...
Supermarkets See Increase in Special Sales – Beer, Cooking Oil… Food Items Account for 30% Rise of Discounts: Supermarkets React to Consumer Thrift with Increased Sales Promotions. Special sales of food items have been increasing at supermarkets. In...
Easily Accessible Protein, Also Available via Subscription Rise of Discounts: Supermarkets React to Consumer Thrift with Increased Sales Promotions. The demand for refrigerated ready-to-eat protein dishes is booming. Following the popularization of salad chicken,...